Arts and crafts

This occured in their golden age of toddlerdom.

It was their first time within arts and crafts using glue and embellishments. 

It didn't go as I had envisioned in my mind. Then again I wasn't certain back then that we had two girls on the spectrum.

In retrospect it makes perfect sense.

Sophia wanted to just order everything and find a home for each specific group of trimmings. 

Kira gave a running commentary of everything she picked up, describing the colour, shape, and the feel of it before she passed it to me to stick down.

Neither wanted to touch the glue. 

They were very happy and content. They were learning and processing. I could tell this at the time and now armed with what I know about the girls I am certain. 

Kira loves talking about facts and information, and Sophia finds peace and calm in ordering. She goes to a happy place. 

I wasn't leading the session, there was no objective. It was a perfect time to observe the girls and see how they respond to new experiences. 

I may not have understood what was happening and why back then, but I knew enough not to make them to change direction in their level of involvement.
